
Operator of online-shop:

Hans Brunner GmbH
Hans-Brunner-Str. 1
D-85625 Glonn / Germany

Phone: +49 (0) 8093 9086-0
Fax: +49 (0) 8093 9086-50


Value added tax identification number DE236219382
Insertion in commercial register at local court in Munich: HR B 75389

General Manager:
Christoph Schwaiger, Markus Gebhart

Responsible under § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz):
Christoph Schwaiger, Markus Gebhart


Exclusion of liability, copyright and trademark law,
data protection and data security

1. Online-Shop’s Content
The website’s operator does not assume any liability for actuality, correctness, completeness, or quality of information made available. Claims for liability against the website operator in connection with material or immaterial losses caused by the use or non-use of the available information or by the use of deficient or incomplete information are excluded in general insofar as there is no provable intentional or gross negligent behaviour by the operator. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The website operator expressly reserves to alter, amend, or delete parts of pages, or single offers, or the complete choice of offers without separate notification, or to terminate publication at times or for good.

2. References and Links
Where direct or indirect reference is made to third party’s websites („links“) that are outside the website operator’s responsibility, liability is only assumed in case the operator has knowledge of its contents and it is technically feasible and reasonable for him to avoid its use in cases of illegal content. The operator hereby expressly declares that at the time the link was posted no illegal content on the linked pages was discernible. The operator has no influence on the current or future design, content, or the authorship of the linked pages. For this reason he hereby expressly dissociates himself from all content of all linked pages that have been modified after posting the link. This applies to all posted links and references within own internet offering as well as third party entries in company lists, guest books, discussion forums, and mailing lists maintained by the website operator. Opinions expressed on linked pages may, but need not constitute our opinion, even if they comply with all laws and regulations and are in no ways objectionable. Only the operator of the site that was referenced, not the person solely referring to a site via links to the respective publishing, is liable for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content or specifically for loss due to the use or non-use of information displayed in that way.

3. Copyright and Trademark law
The website’s operator seeks to observe all copyrights in graphics, audio files, video clips, and texts with regard to publications, to use proprietary audio files, video clips, and texts or resort to unlicensed audio files, video clips and texts. All trademarks and brand marks that are named and referenced by this online-shop and that might be protected to the benefit of a third party are subject to the stipulations of the currently applicable trademark and proprietary rights of the respectively registered owners, without limitations. Mentioning the trademarks may not imply that trademarks are not protected by third party rights! The copyright for all objects published and designed by the website operator will remain with the operator of the website’s pages. Copying or use of such graphics, audio files, video clips and texts for other electronic or print publication is not allowed without the website operator’s express consent.

4. Data Protection
By sending the order, the customer authorizes BRUNNER (below BRUNNER) to process, save, analyse, and use the data received in connection with the business relationship according to the laws of data protection. BRUNNER will treat customer’s personal data confidential and will not pass such to unauthorized third parties. For full processing of the order, BRUNNER co-operates with vendors to whom BRUNNER will transfer specific data (last name, first name, street) for execution of the order. The respective vendors render shipping and payment processing services (credit card, prepayment, and direct debit). BRUNNER further reserves to use data such as name, street number, zip code, or city, to arrange for liquidity examinations with credit agencies in single cases. The credit agencies are obliged to use the data only for the aforementioned purposes and not to transfer to third parties in any event. Duration periods for saving the personal data are in accordance with the legal duties to preserve records, however such can extend under such duties according to commercial or tax laws to up to ten years. The customer has a right to access and can at any time revoke his consent to the collection, use, processing, and transfer of his personal data for the future, or in cases of incorrectness or revocation of consent, to apply for blocking or deletion of the collected data by sending a respective message in written (email-message, fax, letter) to

Hans Brunner GmbH, Hans-Brunner-Str. 1, 85625 Glonn, Germany
Fax +49 (0) 8093 / 90 86 50

Data cannot be deleted as long as it is required for the processing of current contracts, especially for the purposes of payment or book-keeping, or in cases of a legal duty to preserve records.

5. Data Security:
Date, time, and duration of each of customer’s visits with BRUNNER’s websites as well as the server’s and the internet service provider’s IP-address will be saved alongside the respective data volume. BRUNNER raises confidentiality security levels of personal data by using the transferred data only for the use as stipulated by the customer and obliging all employees and vendors by contract to maintain discretion and to observe data secrecy. To enhance external data security, BRUNNER to a reasonable extent uses security measures reflecting the current state of the art. BRUNNER e.g. uses a so called SSL-encryption with 256 BIT in respect of data the customer transfers to BRUNNER via the internet. This security level is regarded as secure according to the current state of knowledge and is supported by current browsers. BRUNNER recommends to the customer to update the browser used in case the currently used browser does not support this encryption. BRUNNER increases protection of its servers against unlawful external access by a so-called firewall. In addition, servers are protected against unauthorized requests for data by several levels of verification for authorization and identification.

6. Validity of this Exclusion of Liability
This exclusion of liability shall be regarded as part of the internet offering referencing this text. If parts or individual wordings of the text do not, not any longer, or not entirely comply with the law, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document shall remain unaffected.