In this category you will find our choice of double moulds for the manual hollow figurine production.
Should you desire a specific design for your individual praline, please do not hesitate to contact us!

This clip shows three different options to fix the mould halves together and how to produce nougat filled balls

Abbreviation SC Double mould with pins

Abbreviation SD Double mould with hinge

Product number: HB-0774-SC

Double Mould with pins  
Length: 65 mm
Width: 32 mm
Height: 21.5 mm
Weight approx: 21 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0756-SD

Double Mould with injected pins  
Length: 26 mm
Width: 26 mm
Height: 26 mm
Weight approx: 11 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0990-SC

Double Mould (Pins/Magnets)  
Length: 30 mm
Width: 27.5 mm
Height: 19.5 mm
Weight approx: 10 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0746-SC

Double Mould with pins  
Length: 70 mm
Width: 35.5 mm
Height: 33.5 mm
Weight approx: 27.5 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-9078-SC

Double Mould with pins  
Length: 25 mm
Width: 25 mm
Height: 25 mm
Weight approx: 10 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-8004-SC

Double Mould with pins  
Length: 30 mm
Width: 30 mm
Height: 30 mm
Weight approx: 17 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-9001-SC

Double Mould(Pins/Magnets)  
Length: 21 mm
Width: 21 mm
Height: 21 mm
Weight approx: 5.7 grs
58,79 € 35,27 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0920-SD

Double Mould with Hinge  
Length: 26 mm
Width: 17 mm
Height: 16.5 mm
Weight approx: 4.5 grs
58,79 € 35,27 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-9002-SC

Double Mould (Pins/Magnets)  
Length: 27 mm
Width: 27 mm
Height: 27 mm
Weight approx: 12.5 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0989-SD

Double Mould with Hinge  
Length: 20 mm
Width: 20 mm
Height: 20 mm
Weight approx: 5 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0205.134-SC

Double Mould (Pins/Magnets)  
Length: 36 mm
Width: 24 mm
Height: 24 mm
Weight approx: 12.5 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0276-SD

Double Mould with Hinge  
Length: 25 mm
Width: 25 mm
Height: 25 mm
Weight approx: 9.5 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-0919-SD

Double Mould with Hinge  
Length: 29 mm
Width: 21 mm
Height: 21 mm
Weight approx: 8 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-9187-SC

Double Mould (Pins/Magnets)  
Length: 50 mm
Width: 22 mm
Height: 26 mm
Weight approx: 10 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-9046-SC

Double Mould (Pins/Magnets)  
Length: 34 mm
Width: 24 mm
Height: 24 mm
Weight approx: 15 grs
58,79 € 35,27 € *
Block Prices!
Product number: HB-9146-SC

Double Mould (Pins/Magnets)  
Length: 50 mm
Weight approx: 7.5 grs
58,79 € *
Block Prices!